Learning Enrichment Activities Program
Learning Enrichment Activities Program
LEAP at St. Matthew Catholic School offers advanced students a weekly time for enrichment activities in math or language arts. Students are referred by classroom teachers on their reading and math scores as well as work habits. LEAP also offers enrichment to the entire school through whole-class lessons in higher-order thinking skills.
LEAP is an enrichment program that has been developed based on several different educational models which encompass higher order thinking skills. These models include Dr. Renzulli's Enrichment Triad (ETM), and Dr. Bloom's Taxonomy of thinking skills. ETM is designed so that students gain insight to their own learning styles, interests, and abilities. Through active problem-solving, students will progress into the higher order thinking skills of Bloom's Taxonomy.
Students who are invited to participate in the program will be exposed to a varied selection of print material. Units for each grade level tend to be interdisciplinary and may expand upon topics that are introduced in the regular classroom. Instruction follows objectives that have been established by the state of North Carolina and the Common Core State Standards.
St. Matthew employs a full-time LEAP teacher.